I'm going to toot this several times a week.

We are powered by, well, us. This is the PBS of social media. If you value this troll-free, ad-free, algorithm-free space, please consider going Pro, or donating other ways.


- something i have been wondering is whether there is a button for posting photos to coso like there is for instagram and facebook etc? i use a chromebook and the process of posting photos to anywhere is pretty longwinded (no doubt to try to funnel users towards google's fave places) but to coso even more so! i would post much more rather than lurking if i could just ping photos on here.

Good morning COSO 💜

I had some crap to deal with which threw things out of balance. But, all is in sync again and the scales have been righted.

The sun rose, the winds are fair and once again I persist. It is the way. 💜

Pic by Tom

Just a note:

I've spotted "filtered" replies on a couple of my recent posts.
If I haven't acknowledged your reply, or replied in kind, it's likely because my filter-fu is extremely good.

I decided a long time ago to filter political things, a range of individual names, nicknames, etc.

Unfortunately it can mean the odd post slips into the unseen due to the 60+ filtered terms I currently have.

It's not a personal slight.
It's my mental health boundaries doing their thing! 💚

Holy moly.

Today I came across Strandbeests.
Let's start with a reel.

And then you can visit the artist & inventor's website:


"The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas." --Linus Pauling


Research shows that pain levels diminish when people hold hands.

Today, like so many days, has been painful as we see perpetuation of harm in the news.

Here online with CoSo, we can't fix the problems we see.

But we can hold each other's hands...virtually offer comfort and help bear pain stemming from news, personal worries, or other strife.

That has tremendous value--comfort can help folks get through and do what needs doing.

Take my hand, you take mine.



May I suggest with love

Rather than saying “I am fucked up”

Consider thinking instead,

“Fucked-upedness is upon me”

This allows for the possibility for it to move on rather than it being a fixed state.

We all have moments, chapters, and episodes of feeling fucked up.


could i just remind folks tp use the content warning (CW) button if they are posting stuff that might be triggering to PTSD people? thank you 🙂


In contrast to other social media sites, CoSo fosters hope--and you know what else CoSo promotes? Agency. A lot of people that I encounter here are inclined to DO something to make the world better--not just opine online about it.

Support, encouragement, empathy, and good feelings energize folks for change.

Thank you to all of the folks who are part of this community, working toward the greater good.

And many thanks to @th3j35t3r for his vision and initiative.


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bonzo the hoss

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.