@wilw fascinating, isn't it? I have gone over there to look and send information in and check things but have not looked at trends. It's also the first time I've wanted to work on my store's presence and other things all year. I had no idea I'd been so impacted...and I let it happen.

Mentioned on Twitter that Nazis are terrible, spent three hours blocking people who defended Nazis, played "what about?", Sealioned, or treated the threat posed by Nazis as a fun thought experiment because they've never been threatened by Nazis. Twitter enables people like that, and the world is a demonstrably worse place because of it. So I'm glad to have this new social network to spend time on.

this is interesting:

Heir Trumplethinskin has extended his Mar a Lago stay to 7 days while his dear friend (or does he barely know him?) and Russian Oligarch is just a stone's throw away. can you say ?

actually let him go! who cares WE'RE FINE without him!
*stands on dock and waves*


I'm down to dedicate many hours on this platform.

Does this somehow feel like the first time the internet started working?🤔

Should I mention CS is working fine on a 12 year old PC running linux and chrome. 👍

Ok, so youtube keeps playing stereophonics tunes and I'm liking it vm.

Blue Wave 2018

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.