bitranch boosted
bitranch boosted

This site for the mission is so cool.

Moon is mooning us...
(its backside)😋

So, we did this on Friday night. A great concert that kept me up well past my bedtime.

Here in Arizona, we don't do the time change thing. But all my work meetings are scheduled with people who live zones. So, I get to spend the next 2 weeks adjusting to all my meetings being an hour later.

Your is overdrawn 😜

And incoming text message (yowza!):

"Hello from Maricopa County Elections.
Your signature has been verified. Your ballot was counted."

bitranch boosted

Happy 43rd anniversary of the day @bitranch and I met!

We celebrate this far more than we do the wedding anniversary.

(Photo from 1985, in Deer Isle Maine, at Bucky's Sunclipse House.)

bitranch boosted

Working in IT I constantly head desk as people just flat out refuse to read and follow instructions.

My job security exists solely due to incompetence. (And printers, fuck those things)

bitranch boosted

Astute observers will recall that you did not have to provide ANY personal information to create an account here.

We take your security extremely seriously. Even Pro membership is handled through a third party.

To put it another way, we couldn't sell your personal information if we wanted to, because we don't have it.

Happy Arizona Statehood Day!

(For those who'd like an alternative reason to celebrate.)

And... Congress passes yet another funding patch, this time good until March 23. (So the shutdown should end today.)

It does include "nearly $90 billion for disaster relief, $6 billion to address the opioid crisis, a four-year extension of the Children's Health Insurance Program and more than $7 billion for community health centers."

"The Arizona House of Representatives voted Thursday to immediately expel Rep. Don Shooter [R, Yuma] from office for "dishonorable" behavior after an investigation found he sexually harassed women over many years."

Hours later, Shooter said in an interview, "I've been thrown out of better places than this."

Ahhh... Never realized that mute on here could lower my blood pressure.

There really should be a rock band named "Botox the Camel".

bitranch boosted
bitranch boosted

@Kristen_Not_Wig You have to understand that the dominionists went out of their way to support and to get politicians in power. They want to take away birth control and get rid of brown babies so white people have more kids for the war. That's why they had to change the capitol of Israel. They are not the majority but they are like a white ISIS. Devos and Erik Prince and Bannon are all part of this movement. Tom Cotton is.. they are mentally ill and we think it's weird too.

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