Watching the Bluesky folks do a Wile E. into the boulder of DEI has been interesting to watch. Problems I never saw here. Different problems than the one I saw on masto.

The most charitable conclusion is probably that they never expected their instance to be more than a dev platform. But it took off because Twitter started to suck hard, and now it's put them in a bad spot.

Might be the thing that finally gets me to stop actively using it.

I think everyone has probably had similar ideas on how they could incentivize posters with rev-share, but this feels like Musk spreading cash around to friends and ideological fellow travelers.

Not sure if this already crossed the wire here, but this is amazingly disgusting.

"Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme. The platform is paying high-profile creators, including Andrew Tate, thousands of dollars for posting to the app"

Mashable has reported hearing sounds of banging coming from Twitter, it's suspected that posters may still be trying to communicate

I bet SpaceX and Tesla engineers are really grateful for Twitter occupying so much of that idiot's focus

I have really got to sign in here more frequently than only when Twitter goes through some major event, but it's such a key indicator for quality posting everywhere else..

I was honestly going to ride it until the bitter end, just to see how awful it got, but the awful keeps going up exponentially.

Probably won't post too much, because I know images can be a resource drain, but I think everyone should give it a try at least once.

Don't know how pro/con folks are here, but one of the things I've I keep messing with as a hobby is "AI art".

By comparison, this place has someone who care about what it looks like, how it's used, and a sense of community.

Mastodon is like reading a git commit history filled with livejournal posts, but without the possibility of getting paid for your suffering.

Trying to make things sp00ky for the kids tonight and running out of time, argh

One thing the current meta-Twitter discussion has made me realize is how much time I waste there. It became a place not just to toss off random weirdness or attempts at wit, but also discussion about the site itself, the various groups that inhabit it, the "discourse", among many other circular and somewhat corrosive topics.

None of that stuff should really matter unless you're running it, or something like a sociologist; it has a way of converting curiosity to a kind of hyper-vigilance.

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