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Anybody else imagining your individual flares as @th3j35t3r sitting there going "pew pew pew" at incoming problems?

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If the Firehose is too much, you can unpin it.

If a hashtag, word or phrase is annoying you, filter it.

If a person is annoying you, block them.

If you don't want to block them, mute them.

If you only want your friends to see your posts in feeds, set that as your default post privacy setting in your settings/preferences.

The tools are available for you to combine in your own way and make COSO your unique experience.


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This. Is. Not. Twitter.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. 🫶

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See a troll? Just report it and move on. Or watch it closely, and you just might see a rare :trollsplat: live!

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Twitter folks coming over, it's fine to have regular debates, regardless of philosophy.

Over here there are not childish insults, let's keep it that way. Ideas, policy, not childish intimidation.

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Isn’t it interesting to notice how many people say they are relieved to be away from toxicity? That they have craved authenticity and basic good manners?

Isn’t it lovely to have a place that prioritizes these qualities?

It’s a fragile ecosystem though—everybody has a role keeping it healthy and clear.

Many thanks to the new folks who see this and have already tried to contribute and preserve this unique place.

Glad to have you here.


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This is a one of a kind (ooak) scarf that I designed/crocheted. I love how colorful it is! It's a happy scarf 😁 The yarn is a very soft tweed.

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It's like watching people wander in from a street brawl, only to realize that no one's really interested in fighting over here.

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@cmskiera @ContentWarningVirusB42 I believe that since things don’t “trend” here the hashtag is more of a grouping or filtering mechanism.

So depending on your perspective it’s either amusing or mildly annoying to see it used “improperly “

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‘Hi’ to all the new people. When I first joined, this is how I described the difference between here and ‘there’—

coso feels like a cosy, friendly pub with a glowing fireplace - as opposed to a rowdy, vomit-soaked bar with a dead possum staked to the pool table.

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Two things are worth repeating:

1. CoSo isn't a or even a political site. We're a community. Politics are discussed, but so too are coffee, guitars, cats, art, movies, cars, etc.

2. Even before our new members joined, we were 'slightly' left-leaning, but not tribal. Many of us have made some good friends on both/all sides of the aisles and usually agree to disagree.

There's a reason we took a straw poll some years ago to make this our unofficial theme 👍


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Nothing ever turns out like I wish it would. I think this damn monkey’s paw is broken

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Dear New People,
Welcome 🦋 please share this 🌻
You’ve stepped into a place that is not Twitter. We’re a Community that has spent years getting to know each other.
Our culture is one of respect, kindness & care.
We disagree, have great, sometimes heated discussion & hold those values.
There is ZERO tolerance for hate speech, racism, Anti-Semitism or bigotry against our friends. You will be escorted out.
We also don’t appreciate BS rumors regarding @th3j35t3r

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Here's my recommendation regarding people who you follow. Follow people who post things you are interested in, if you follow everyone to gather up followers, your friends feed will look like the firehose and engagement will be limited. This is not a follower accumulated type site. Everybody can pretty much see everything on the firehose. If you want engagement look for people you want to engage with.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.