Nothing wrong with insects, naturally, but I aint one.

I'm completely over everything having to be high speed.

High speed is for insects. Literally.

bagu boosted

How is it that we can ban sunscreen but we can’t ban Roundup?

I dunno. Is it natural to sing along to RHCP as much as I do?

I should probably just pick up the harmonica again instead for everyones sake.

Boring Wednesday? Buy a new motorcycle. That's what I did... now to wait until the this temporary ice age lets go.

bagu boosted

In general, being an embarrasing parent is the real gift of having kids.

Son has a young lady visiting so I'm on my best behaviour.

For now.

Just listening very carefully for the right time to barge in.

bagu boosted

These things are one serving, right?

Right? 😬

That typical action movie scene that's a quick montage of somebody assembling and loading a gun.

That was me just now with the moka pot.

Working from home has its perks.

But it's still Monday. And overcast. And no coffee yet.

Started a fire. That's pretty much the only thing Monday has going for it.

It's whisky, me and John Wick for a while.

Monday will have to come in hard if it wants me to comply.

See, nobody saw anything other than text then. Too slow for images.

You were judged by your words, your helpfulness and your competence.

The Internet turned into something different. Politisized, weaponised entertainment.


I've been gone for so long.

Looking through the notifications from just before I dropped off due to life things... this place has the echo of what I discovered when I first connected my 24k baud modem to a BBS in 1994.

Community without borders.

Jesus what a year it's been...

Back on this thing again for a while. Still seems like a fresh breath...

Watching my wife chase a cocktail of painkillers with coffee this morning before the kids wake up.

PMS headaches. I don't envy her.

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