Ayrkain boosted

“He shall fall down into a pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of reason.”

Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law

Ayrkain boosted

Who the US safety net💰 leaves behind

HALF of those living in deep are working age adults. They comprise 70% of the population, simply because they don't have a kid to warrant them being seen as deserving of help


still waiting on vimaan to pay me. can't get answers out of anyone. so tired but can't sleep. anxiety and no leaf... sigh

Ayrkain boosted

Hey CoSoNauts!
Can you please do me a huge favor? My new Blade Runner inspired music video "Nexus-3 Inferior Model Replicant" is premiering tomorrow and I need help getting the word out. Since most socials suck at showing people new things (other than CoSo), can you please tell people? youtu.be/pe7ENai1sjk

Ayrkain boosted

There's a better way to do compositing than green screen, and Walt Disney discovered it back when they were making "Mary Poppins", and then LOST it.

But it seems to have been found again, and it's really impressive.


Ayrkain boosted
Ayrkain boosted
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