@singlemaltgirl I sleep all the way to one side, too.
Most of the rest of the bed is usually pillows.
@singlemaltgirl We also had cats in my last relationship so I had to deal with 1/20th of a Queen bed.
@aspecurian oh, when i had cats, i ruled the house. they did not. they slept around ME not the other way around. they did keep my feet warm. that was lovely. they were not allowed near the pillows. i had rules!
@singlemaltgirl Everyone was always crowding me for warmth.
@aspecurian ha ha. i now have a queen bed all to myself. but i sleep on about 1/4 right to the end in a fetal position, taking as little room as possible.
when my son was baby/toddler, he would sleep w/ me in my TWIN bed. & this little dude would starfish leaving me w/ very little room & fear i would squash him in the night.
over 20 years later & i still can't just spread out in the bed i have alllll to myself.