Pinned post

So I see someone made a subreddit r/countersocial but it is all locked down and not functioning which sort of defeats the purpose when this is down.

Can I go out on a limb here and say maybe we need a counter social subreddit to hang out when the site is down?

Wait til the new users find out we have TV can watch tv while you toot.

Welp just deleted the twitter app off my phone, baby steps!

No. 20159 boosted

Itโ€™s good start anew. Iโ€™m not sure how this platform works, but Iโ€™m gonna give it a go.

The world is too crazy to let my mind be poised by DFG Crap, or to let my words to be used to enrich the worldโ€™s most dude-bro billionaire.

We have serious work to do to win in 2022. Letโ€™s do it!

No. 20159 boosted

@sdevine he will definitely let trump back on twitter. the ONLY consequence trump has ever faced will get wiped away a little over a year after he tried to steal our government.

Welcome to all the new folks! I am following as many of you as I can :-)

No. 20159 boosted

Dear newbies,

Hopefully youโ€™ve discovered that we are the Un-Twitter. By that, I meanโ€ฆ
We are a mishmash of humans who may agree/disagree Re politics, religion, sex, drugs & rock โ€˜n roll (you get the gist), but IF we disagree, we do so respectfully, and with kindness. Occasionally disagreements escalate, and thatโ€™s when one may choose to mute/block, or cool down. What we donโ€™t do is slam fellow Nauts with hateful, divisive rhetoric.

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No. 20159

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.