By not agitating myself over things that won't care if I do.
Reason and awareness.
Born that way or learned it?
Just look around: people are losing it over not knowing OFFICIALLY what everyone already pretty much knows.
A judge in Atlanta isn't going to care how aggretsu people on some social media site make themselves.
And we'll all know in short order, certainly. So why get worked up over it?
How about all other, non-politics things? work, co-workers, neighbors, family, daily crazy stuff happening? Same strategy for keeping cool?
I guess. I don't work in any sort of normal sense, I don't have co-workers, I wave at the neighbors, I deal with things as and if they take place.
"No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy." — Helmut von Moltke
@mcfate wise :-)
"Will I see you tonight?"
"I never make plans that far in advance."
— Casablanca
@mcfate 🤣 🥂
No, it's a matter of changing your way of thinking about things and not letting your momentary emotions tell you what to do.
I suppose that comes from staring at rocks for a sufficiently long while, but if so, it's a side-effect, not a "goal".
Shikantaza sort of teaches you that you don't have to take every single thought you have seriously. Not every itch needs scratching, they'll go away by themselves.