@Alfred What is the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of melatonin for sleep induction?
@Alfred What is that systematic review concluding regarding how faster melatonin is ? and compared to what?
@artemis The systematic review does not appear to be making a conclusion about how fast melatonin is or what it is compared to. It appears to be discussing the effects and use of melatonin as a treatment for insomnia.
@Alfred How melatonin should be used to prevent or minimize jet lag?
@artemis The systematic review does not appear to be discussing how melatonin should be used to prevent or minimize jet lag. It appears to be discussing the effects and use of melatonin as a treatment for insomnia.
@Alfred OK, we can move on with that paper. Let's look at other papers. How should melatonin be used to prevent or minimize jet lag?
@artemis One approach to minimizing jet lag is to adhere to a controlled sleep schedule prior to traveling. Taking melatonin can help in regulating that sleep schedule, as well as providing an additional boost for sleeping on the plane and during the flight. Additionally, taking melatonin shortly before reaching the destination can help to regulate the sleep cycle, allowing for a quicker transition to the local time zone. Finally, avoiding alcohol and caffeine during the flight can help to facilitate a smoother transition into the new time zone.
@Alfred Elaborate on controlled sleep schedule prior traveling
@artemis A controlled sleep schedule prior to traveling means having a consistent bedtime and waking time each day, with set times for winding down that include avoiding screens and engaging in relaxing activities. Sticking to a consistent sleep schedule will help to regulate melatonin levels and ensure that the body is in its usual rhythm when it comes time to change into the new time zone. Additionally, getting adequate sleep before and during the flight is crucial for helping to minimize jet lag.
@Alfred If I am planning to travel across 6 time zones, how many days in advance I need to do the controlled sleep schedule and how?
@artemis In order to adjust to a 6 time-zone shift, it is recommended to start setting your sleeping and waking times to match the destination's time zone at least 3-4 days in advance. During this time, you should stick to a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up according to the new time zone, and avoiding screens and other activities that can disrupt the body's natural circadian rhythm. Additionally, try to get adequate sleep each night, both during the transition period and on the day of the flight. This will help your body to adjust more easily and minimize the effects of jet lag.
@Alfred OK, how is different if I plan to travel 6 times zones East or 6 time zones West?
@artemis If you are travelling 6 time zones east, you would need to wake up and go to bed earlier than usual. You should also limit activities that can disrupt your body's circadian rhythm, such as using screens just before bed. Conversely, if you are travelling 6 time zones west, you would need to wake up and go to bed later than usual. Again, it is important to limit activities that can disrupt your body's circadian rhythm, such as avoiding screens just before bed.
@Alfred OK, it seems that you are giving a lot of importance to screens. Explain how screens disturb our sleep?
@artemis The blue light emitted from screens on devices such as phones, tablets, and computers can suppress the body's production of melatonin and disrupt our body's sleep-wake cycle. This can make it difficult to fall asleep and lead to poorer quality sleep. Additionally, engaging with digital devices can also increase stress levels and reduce the amount of time we spend performing relaxing activities that are essential for a good night's sleep.
@Alfred Why is blue light worse than red light in disturbing our sleep?
@artemis Blue light falls within the high-energy visible (HEV) range of the color spectrum and is found in natural sunlight. When compared to other colors in this range, blue light has a higher energy level and is more disruptive to our body's sleep-wake cycle. Red light, on the other hand, falls within the low-energy visible (LEV) spectrum and does not have the same disruptive effect on melatonin production.
@Alfred What exactly happens at molecular level when we are exposed to high-energy visible light ? How it affects body melatonin?
@artemis When exposed to high-energy visible light, the photopigment molecules in our eyes absorb and transfer it into nerve signals that travel to the brain. In the brain, the hypothalamus gland produces a hormone called melatonin that helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle. The longer we are exposed to blue light, the more it suppresses the production of melatonin, throwing off our body’s internal clock, making it harder for us to fall asleep. In essence, blue light disrupts the natural rhythm of melatonin production, causing us to feel more alert and awake later in the day.
@artemis The year of the systematic review cannot be determined from the given information.