Prosit 🥂 ,my nostalgic, idealist friend 😃
You clearly love it 😍
I admit, I do see its beauty as a vehicle for a deeper connection. Deep writing and deep reading are shaping our brains. Fast/skim reading shapes our brain/soul differently. I believe they did some brain studies to show this.
Am skeptical we can stop/revert the trend, tho.
Year 3000 folks will admire letters in a museum 😜
I think the current thinking is that pure information reading/Writing and deep reading/writing can exist in parallel.
A few years ago, I went to small town in the mountains in Mexico. Internet was scarce and so was electricity for that matter, but it was a beautiful place.
Luckily, I packed Dickens's Great Expectations as an afterthought, It was all I had in the eves w. candle light (!).
It was a revelation. I'd forgotten how great it was to be deeply immersed in a great book.
Haha... Hi Artemis. Letter writing is its own unique perfect thing. Letter writing is going to be the new vinyl.
Vinyl records, hugely ascendant again, because they're a perfect art form.
🥂 🎶🪐