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we're actors without a role
in a play without a script
on a stage without a set

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every loss, every death, every failure, every mistake, every embarassment, every lie heard or told,
every harsh word said or received, bottomless sorrow, regret, despair, angst all waiting in ambush for any reason
big or small or no reason at all,
over and over,
that is depression.

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on a black maple
three squirrels play.
leaping one another
in the waning day.

clouds above and snow below
they scamper in a liminal zone.
as the light fades and the sun sets
where do they go to find their rest?

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think of the roots.
think of the branches.
trees stitch earth and sky together.

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99 syllables of mathy blather, a tensor product

tensor calculus
is the language of
general, that is,
not so much special.

you need to use it when you
convert coordinates from
one basis to another
and when you are working with
metrics (described by tensors).
if you need differential
geometry you need them.

so very abstract
but they're at the heart
of spacetime itself.
i have just tensored
pipe poem and haiku.

just read some quotes from chump supporters. these people are in no sense a political party. they are a cult.

@99reasons4truth 📣 accepted
...I will donate another 50$ if 30 people will favorite this post...

🚨 PSA:

I will donate another $25.00 if I can get 25 people to favorite this post.

Yes, all you have to do is favorite this post 😃

And boost it lol

where i live, i see quite a few birds and squirrels. i'm pretty sure they're not immortal, but the only dead squirrels i see are car casualties, and i basically never see dead birds. where are they? are there squirrel undertakers? bird coroners? where are they?

what was the first computer program you ever wrote? in what language? mine was a simple text substituter in SNOBOL.

the orange traitor now calls himself "honest don". of the tens of thousands of lies he's promulgated that one takes the cake.

“Put bluntly, fascism is a loser’s ideology, a smothering emotional safety blanket for deeply insecure and broken people (mostly men), which only makes their problems worse until it destroys them and everyone around them.”

i have a minimalistic holiday ritual. i watch it's a wonderful life and the mass that follows it. i am not remotely catholic, i just like to watch the pomp. once a year is ample, though.

for a couple of days now, i have had tom lehrer songs stuck in my head.

a book i've been waiting for comes out on the 21st. preceptor by terry mancour. it's book 16 of a very good fantasy series.

random thought: if you had a gonad transplant and later had children, whose kids would they be?

the bonanza theme song has been stuck in my head for two days now. i didn't even like bonanza.

a while ago i asked an ai image generator for "the mona lisa painted by vincent van gogh in the fauve style". this was the result.

Amazon has a book on sale called origin: a genetic history of the americas. it discusses how the americas came to be peopled and the science used to determine that.

i haven't watched movies or tv in years. largely because "vast wasteland" is an understatement, but also because i simply don't have the attention span needed. oddly, when i read i have no attention span problem at all.

i used to be a huge baseball fan. I knew about everything about the teams, even their promising minor leaguers. then about twenty years ago i completely lost interest. i know nothing about the present state of the game. because of this, given the length of sports careers, i just realized that whole careers have come and gone without my notice. time flies.

How many times are we gonna hear stories about rich CEO's fucking employees over before people finally start to realize that the rich don't care about them?

"Millennials don't hear 'socialism' and think about the USSR or the Cold War.

We hear 'socialism' and think about Canada, Switzerland, healthcare, social security, affordable college, and affordable housing.

Big generational difference."

Nathan H. Rubin

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