@redenigma wow, what a great idea! Bless you folks! My late wife had a quilt that she was working on when we met fortysome years ago. She was going to finish it when she retired and never got to do so before she passed. I found a local quilter to finish it for me. It's something I'll always treasure.
@jenebene @jenebene thanks - the quilt was a running joke between the two of us for over thirty years. I'd joke with her about adding it to her weekly to do lists. She just never got the time to complete it - she got an advanced degree, started her own company and we traveled a lot together. I never really looked at just how close she was to being done. I didn't realize how beautiful it was until she was gone and I knew it had to be finished at that point.
It is really a treasure @altucker
my mom did counted cross on linen, and I have a lot of her work
I’ve never seen it done on a quilt before
From my perspective it’s really unique