Was this just a dream? There were a lot of BBSes using os/2 warp #BBS software in the 90s. I was told this was because it had better multitasking than MS Windows at that time.
@lenaoflune Nice info. I ended up initially buying VBBS 6.14 and it ran really well for me initially. But all the boards in my area seemed go run in os/2 and I always wanted to try it out but never took the leap. Sometimes feel like testing it out in a VM to get a taste of the nostalgia I never had.
@lenaoflune ahh snap. Side project coming up 🙌
@Zerosouls OS/2 can be a bit of a pain to virtualize -- I've heard VirtualBox and qemu, at least, can run it alright these days -- but I was able to get it running in Bochs with no problem!