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They get Civil. Which is more than they deserve. Talking of killing all Libs, laughing at their tears when their very existence is threatened, subverting the Law, to further their hateful agenda.

No, Civil is all they get. Civil and Professional.

I'm all for Forgive. But never Forget.


Hey Counter Social. Long time since I've logged in - it's been a busy year!
Biggest news: I now own a horse! 💖 Yearling mustang. She's a sweetheart. (most of the time)
Feel free to add me if you are an owner or even a fan of horses! :)
Have a great week, everyone!

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Damn. I missed the whole T.T. fire/911 scanner drama.

Re: The French Police Officer who made the ultimate sacrifice to save the hostages in the supermarket....
May he rest in peace, with honor. What he did was a great act of compassion and love for his fellow human beings. Bless you, Sir, wherever you are out there. 💖

I can't EVEN with the conspiracy theories on BOTH sides.
People need to learn to do good research, find the source of a rumor, look for hard evidence, and use critical thinking - and to not allow their imaginations to fill in missing information.

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Not even 1-800-LAWYERS is taking POTUS' calls at this point.

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Day 428: 6 minutes, 20 seconds. In a day of so much energy and emotion, I’ll always remember Emma Gonzalez’s speech in all of its unapologetic and unadulterated power.

I love the new scanner feature. It's a novel idea.

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NEW HTTPS://COUNTER.SOCIAL FEATURE ALERT - It is constantly listening to 7000 first responder audio channels and when it detects a major incident, it activates, lights up, and auto tunes to that frequency.

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Happy Caturday!
Here's my cat - she loves watching videos. Today she's into Justin Timberlake, lmao.


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RT @[email protected]: @[email protected] @[email protected] Hate to disappoint everyone, but good ol Chucky

ain't 🇷🇺 gonna 🇷🇺 be 🇷🇺 releasin' 🇷🇺no 🇷🇺tapes 🇷🇺any 🇷🇺 time 🇷🇺 soon! 🇷🇺

He doesn't want to trouble his new friends any further 🙄

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"Why won't Republicans stop Trump?!"

Republicans can prove that Trump accepted Russia's help to win the Presidency.

Trump can prove that Republicans accepted foreign campaign contributions.

Both acts are treason.

So basically, we're all stuck in a game of Chicken™. counter.social/media/Tg75ybV-2

Hey CS peeps - is there a simple way for me to change the colors here on CS for my own viewing? Need something with better contrast than the grays. Thanks!

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RT @[email protected]: Photo of the decade: Doug Jones being sworn in, while his openly gay son QUIETLY DISINTEGRATES THE SOUL OF MIKE PENCE.

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