@ZackGianino Understand who makes the jobs, and who holds the jobs. If they agree on anything, that is your core platform. Listen to everyone. Your job is to listen, know, and find the most fair solutions.

@ZackGianino Free seminars to make seniors more cyber savvy. appeal to local companies for employees to volunteer to run the seminars. I have a lot of elderly relatives. They’re cyber naive, and always looking for an activity that brings locals together. They can also, if so inclined, form their own watchdog group. Start it out as a potluck, with an intro seminar after. Warm food and engaging activities are all attractive to seniors. Run it at a local library with public computers, after hours.

@ZackGianino Seeing a lot of good ideas in the comments on this one, and they are good places to start with the local community, but don't forget that there are some folks that still work and probably commute out of town, so talk with the local employers and see what sort of tech type jobs they want to bring in, and see what employers in the local area are willing to bring in more tech centered jobs, and what in-town businesses want as far as tech upgrades to local infrastructure.

🌐Hello CoSo Community🌐 ,

A couple months ago I mentioned to you all that I have an immense amount of passion to run for public office with cyber security as significant platform item.

I’m 24 so I’m not old enough to run for Congress yet, so I’m running for my City Council. It’s an aged Community but I still believe cyber awareness is important.

I understand cities are a lot less complicated than a federal gov on cyber—but what would be some realistic ideas to bring to my local city?🙏🏻

Hey, if you see @ZackGianino name on a ticket. You guys need to vote for him.

He gets it...


Exactly -- 1 death and how many hundreds of thousands of dollars for his reign of phone-terror? 11 years? Ridiculous!

I am very thankful you're taking so much interest in cybersecurtiy in general, we need more politics to give a rat's @%$ about this. Our lives are connected to the Internet now.

Hello CoSo Community:

I know NO better Community to ask than the Community here.

So I’m going to be running for political office very soon & I’m very passionate about Cyber Security & the Internet being spoken about within our mainstream public discourse.

What would be some possible platform ideas regarding Cyber Security & the Internet
that you’d want to see in a campaign?


-Zack Gianino

Can somebody genuinely explain to me why this whole UFO situation isn’t being blasted across all mainstream media? 🛸👽

This seems like pretty big news! I mean like… Philosophical, religious, mind altering type of news. I’m just confused why everyone is so… eh 🤷🏻‍♂️

There’s a lot of strange things going on in this country.

At the end of the day, we all appreciate kindness. If we keep showing kindness to one another we might be able to see see thru the stupid identities we’ve chosen to differentiate ourselves from each other

The only thing that could ever redeem Donald Trump is if he “accidentally” leaked evidence or information on UFOs and extraterrestrials. 😂😂😂🤔👽🛸👾

Just saw a man laughing at a kid who believed a fairytale was real. That man then turned around and kissed the cross on his necklace. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

So many celebrities right now are probably like:
🤦‍♂️ “why’d I ride that Keaton Jones wave..?!?” 😂😅😪

I’m an ☸︎Old Soul♌︎;
in a ☯︎Modern Body♚;
With a ⚛︎Futuristic Mentality☮︎.

Please, never accept it as normal, when a President calls for the firing of journalists.

Bitcoin is not a bubble. is the 99% finally getting to do what the 1% have always done. Think about that.

has legitimately killed the bird for me. Everyone there just seems fake. All of the accounts act the same. The only thing I like on there is the information I get. Updates, alerts, ect.
People on there don’t want to actually communicate through this technology, they’d rather make ‘drive-by comments’ & just insult people.
Thank you Community for Counter Social. Still in complete gratitude for your work, commitment & sacrifice. & of course—thank you @th3j35t3r 🙏🏻

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Zack Gianino

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.