@elbutterfield #NationalPopularVote
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
"National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is agreement among U.S. states & DC to award all electoral votes to the presidential ticket winning overall popular vote in 50 states & DC. The compact is designed to ensure the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president, & it would come into effect only when it would guarantee that outcome."
Repugs would never vote for it they would never win.
There are definitely states on that map that could & should be enacting this. We need to make sure that those State Legislatures get turned fully Blue in 2024. Down ticket election REALLY matter!
It makes sense in our Canadian system the party with the most votes chooses the prime minister. The head of govt does not run in a separate election but we do know before the election who will be their leader and people often vote on that.
Isn't Israel a Parliamentary Democracy? And they got Netanyahu who is only interested in staying out of Jail? Correct me if I'm wrong, please.I guess nothing is perfect. Not really up on that form, is that were we frequently hear about "coalition" governments?
@Gladari @disk4mat I guess I look as Bibi as a kind of Trump of our future, who let the Israeli people down in so many ways (look at how Trump undermined our security during his tenure) , leading to Oct. 7th, and now is doing everything to be the military extremist to hold on to power. There but for the grace of true democracy goes our country. We are at the brink.
I really dislike BiBi I understand he has to deal with very right wing colleagues but I have never liked him.
@Gladari @disk4mat @elbutterfield
Netanyahu is the pox on both their houses...