One downside to MVVM type patterns in apps of more than medium complexity, especially when using ReactiveX frameworks and IOC is if you are working with a UI, sometimes figuring out why a particular user interaction is causing the behavior you are seeing can make 1960s style GOTO programming really appear highly professional.
Don't get me wrong MVVM is damn easy to program in but if you walk away from it for more than a week, picking up all the threads is truly painful!
@XSGeek I know a kid that is super focused into ui and that monster builds entire structures just so she can display different elements/styles according to specific situations of expected user base environments and every time she tosses me a hook to check I'm shamed by such brilliance and her Rube-Goldberg-like willingness to multiply her workload by orders of magnitude.
Good luck with all that, @XSGeek 😅🥺🧐🤮