so Mitt Romney who I did have a little respect for has received over 13 million from the national rifle association. Here’s the list.

People are extra sensitive on Twitter today if you are going on there. Watch out.

good morning everyone. I’m still upset over the shooting that happened yesterday. Everything I heard from the video tape and the written manifesto played out like the Republican handbook. If you haven’t seen some of the quotes I can get them. It’s disgusting and scary. The shooter came out and named them as why he was doing this. He named Trump, I believe he said the far right and praised Tucker Carlson. GOP came out with a letter taking no responsibility. Sad.

I was still on twitter trying to round up my contacts. Honestly when you see what’s below what is the use being in there? You can voice your opinion and it just gets worse. I don’t know how to explain how reading this stuff makes me feel.

I’m losing it with her but I can’t look away. She is such a psycho. This is MTGs new Twitter profile pic. She says she’s ultra MAGA. What does that mean?

Louisiana is voting on a bill to criminalize IUDs, and plans on charging women with murder for using them.

from Moonbeam

We will stop the country. Women make their choices
In response, activists are calling for a general strike from Sunday, May 8th-Sunday, May 15th. The point of a general strike is a form of protest for social or political goals in which all participants cease all economic activity, such as, working, attending school, shopping, going to the movies, transactional recreation, etc. It is supposed to be immensely disruptive as a way to leverage political and social power

Here’s Matt Gaetz’s humble opinion what he thinks about women.

BREAKING: Canada says it would allow American women to go to the country for an abortion if Roe v Wade is overturned

I’m gone for a day and what is happening in the states? You have psycho woman MTG playing the victim and saying transgenders or cross dressers are ruining America. Now leaked from the Supreme Court their stance on abortion rights. I’m so disgusted on so many levels. Coming from Canada and being so open and free. Also from living in the Philippines. They are extremely open to gay/transgender/transsexual they are so welcoming. I don’t know what to say which is unusual.


Who here thinks Marjorie Taylor Greens performance on the stand will hurt her more than help her? I think it will hurt her tremendously. I know in the courtroom they did bring up her mental status. If you all the sudden you can’t recall anything, wouldn’t that question your mental state even more?

there I posted something without realizing there is a politics hashtag. Very cool. It takes a lot for me not to like someone but I can’t stand Marjorie Taylor Greene. Her and Gossar were put on a J6 target list. What does that mean? Please tell me she’s going down.

I’m Canadian and never knew anything about politics until Trump came along. I paid attention because I was not a fan and couldn’t believe he was elected. I can’t say I hate republicans as a whole. I strongly dislike bordering on hate a few people. One is Marjorie Taylor Greene. It takes a lot to get me to dislike someone. I read she is going on a J6 watchlist. What is this? I assume good?

Hey everyone. Two things. I have been through the manual. I may have missed it. Can you “like” someone’s comment like you do in twitter or Instagram?

Also, I saw someone mention something that you can do with pictures so they don’t go sideways? I’m a bit overwhelmed by all the good changes I can’t remember. Sorry.

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