A brand-new number, for those who need confidential and free help. Available 24 hours a day. Pssst. Pass it on.

This meme just set off a whole short story in my head. Time to write that shit down.

I couldn't get photos to load so I'm linking to my Instagram post...
These are my most recent finished items. A ruana, two shawls and a cowl ❀️


Ok y’all I’m gonna be honest I need groceries very badly so I’m putting up this new shawl I just finished up for 200 dollars plus shipping! It’s made of Shetland wool, very light but very warm, this is your renfaire or just because dream come true. It’s an XL shawl with 65 inches across the top so it will wrap around you! I’m a 6β€˜ woman and it fits me!

If you can’t afford it and just want to help boosting this foot is so incredibly kind of you!

My yarn craft friends, I am looking to destash some yarn that I really don't see myself using. Figured I'd see if any of you all would be interested! I have pictures and all but like 1-2skeins have original packaging. Stored in plastic bins.

Let me know if you have any interest, . DM.

I don’t want to hear one more word from the hundreds of Congressional representatives, Senators, Cabinet officials, generals, ambassadors, White House staffers, senior advisors, attorneys, Secret Service agents, reporters, or Fox News β€œFriends” who watched every crime in real time knowing full well that these were crimes of sedition and espionage. They kept quiet when it mattered most, staying to gather material for their lucrative book deals. They are ALL complicit and they can STFU.

Somebody in Akureyri Iceland decorates the rubbish bins with crochet creatures. 😍

Real men do not inflict themselves on other people's decisions about family planning.

Real men go and get a vasectomy so that they do not contribute to the problem, and then real men shut the fuck about it, except to endorse a woman's right to choose.

That's what real men do.

Just ignore the image they decided to place first - in my opinion it's the least appealing.

In Fanny's images, she digitally combines grim and heartbreaking war photography with the classical paintings of Michelangelo, Vermeer, Frederic Leighton, William Henry Margetson, and others.

She tells Boing Boing that she was looking for "a way to respectfully support Ukraine."


Progress on one of my three crochet temperature blankets.
This one has beads in each motif to indicate the weather conditions - snow, rain, cloudy skies, clear skies.
I plan on giving it to a young couple who are getting married next month. I'll add special beads to the corresponding day of their wedding πŸ’’ I'll let them see it around their wedding day, but they're going to have to wait until the new year to get it 😁

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Wine Diva Designs 🍷🧢🐱

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