Once the seal is in place, it's checked by running something under it to clear anything out, check for gaps, etc.

Again, tried a bunch of different things, hotel keycards worked perfectly. So, the plant made a bunch, defined specific specs, and certified them for that purpose.

Go to any machine shop and you'll find folks making widgets and doodads for very specific purposes.

Lots of sketchy stuff at Boeing, but this ain't it. ✈️

The German Shepherd/Great Pyr of CoSo. Thanks for protecting your flock.

Time to move some watches. I’m offering the CoSo Special on all of these from my Etsy shop. $125 ea.

You can check out the listings in my shop for the details of each watch.

To get the deal, visit my Etsy shop and click the “Request Custom Order” button and tell me which one you want. You may need to visit via a desktop because I don’t see the button on mobile.

We will proceed from there.

Link in profile!

In a truly unfortunate turn of events for the other driver, I’m from a mean New Englander and do better research than the FBI.

GOP witnesses insisted, without evidence, that Biden is corrupt but the eye-popping testimony came from Lev Parnas. 
His mission (for Giuliani and Trump) was to travel across the globe to find damaging information on the Bidens. He found “precisely zero proof.” He found that the Kremlin was forcing disinformation to benefit Trump’s re-election. “Every person pushing corruption rumours knew they were baseless.” And he named names.

racist monster Greg Abbott fucks up a perfectly good
Texas under Abbott has become a dystopian hellscape where pregnant migrants drown in razor wire booby traps and pregnant citizens are forced to carry life-threatening non-viable fetuses to term.
can anyone name one thing that Greg Abbott has done for the people of Texas?
the next total solar eclipse over Texas will be on August 23, 2044. presumably, Death Trap Greg will gone by then.

And since we covered it sleeping around isn't really a downside since they sucked in bed anyway. I say this because my ex was like that.. the old school wives are supposed to work [cash cow], be your mom, and be your hooker even if she works just as hard or harder than you do. While working harder than him I started wondering why I was on the wrong end of that deal.

To be honest ... I was relieved.

I didn't want to go anyway and I was already stressed out about the whole trip.

The PTB (Powers That Be) give you signs and between the random earthquake in New Jersey yesterday and this insane fiasco this morning ... it's pretty OBVIOUS that we aren't supposed to be leaving CT today. I pay attention to signs that are CLEAR as a BELL and this one is loud AF.

So I got Burger King breakfast and now I'm home and happy and stress free.



Good people of CoSo?

This is just a loving reminder that your brains have not evolved to cope with the stimuli of online environments.

It does you no good to be immersed in images of destruction or harm, particularly if you are not in a position to help.

Stay informed, but take breaks. Look at the sky. Attend to local concerns where you CAN make a difference.

It doesn’t help the world or you if you are chronically destabilized by online content.


In the number of teachers quitting in/after the 22-23 school year was 42% higher than in 21-22. Im looking around and I don’t think 23-24 is going to be any better.


I can't say this enough. People did not change because of Trump. Trump just brought out who they were all along. Think about the bullies and mean girls you knew growing up. If you still know them as adults, how many of them are Trumpers? I'm open to being proven wrong, but I've yet to see one who isn't. Almost everyone in his ridiculous entourage reminds me of someone I know.

I am out of here.
For at least a day.

If I muted everyone I thought was being duped by propaganda, I would see very little of CoSo.
So best take a break.

Bad shit happens.
Good shit happens.

I ain't complaining, it has always been thus.

Friendly reminder if you only know me as that watch guy. I’m also a guitar player 🎸.

If you are into the blues, all my albums are free to listen to. (They’re also available to buy, but that’s not the point.)

Hit me up here ⬇️


No one really knows with certainly what they'll do when confronted with a situation until they are through the other side. Until then, it's all a theories, afterwards, it's experience.

Paxton's intentions are not for the good of humanity....
The Texas attorney general is investigating a key Boeing supplier and asking about diversity


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