As long as dogs still believe in us We might just achieve enlightenment.

Also, I reveal that last night my dreams were piratical in nature. Yarr
here there be treasure, unfortunately not so much when I woke up.

What creative and wonderful thing will this site reveal today?
Anyone have the answer to how sticky works? Specifically honey sticky. Because I understand how friction (sorta) functions and how water is not wet, but today I am just really wanting to know what the basis to my tactile nemesis functions.

Trying to detox from the Bird site.
hopefully everyone here is chilling and having a good day.

I can not fathom the meaning of a system where children are fed to the machine just to generate wealth for billionaires to buy shiny things they don’t want and destroy them out of spite. is a symptom of capitalism’s toxicity to society.

Retail is a dystopian workplace filled with Kafka esk inhumanities…. How’s your day going?
At least I have tasting this afternoon, hopefully good products await. Based on the magic eightball I am not optimistic…

Happy ghosty night don’t forget to keep a light on to keep the creeps at bay.

Well, I lost track of a whole week and it's Halloween tomorrow. Luckily I have a super smart wife who has things on point as far as Spooky treats for the Ghouls.

Just chilling and watching spooky TV.
Spookiest part being how many digital services I pay for why?
Oh well still better than giving rogers money.

Or if you want to steal me away from my employer I am open to offers...

Sadly off to work,
If anyone needs a freelance whisky expert/salesman I will be lurking all day long.

Ok, web comic fix downloaded into brain to detoxify after a short BirdSite dive.
Note to self... need new webcomic to binge...

Frost on the roofline kinda morning. Brrr Ottawa, low blow.

To be a centre left leaning voter in Canada is a continual cycle of frustration and compromise.
For those people being elected with a turn out of under 50% are routinely having committed less and less to the betterment of the many.
Meanwhile the left fails to arrive at the ballot box.
Not voting is their vote every time.

We dream in words
In worlds
In memories
And ghosts
In the end all things that can haunt us
If left to wander without consideration.

Being called smart by other people makes me uncomfortable.
It is not that I don’t possess brains, it is that I have no idea what they want me to do with them. I can see the problems in society and government; but recognizing the bear at the door doesn’t mean you can take it in a fight.

Can a ghost dog haunt you even if it is alive and just somewhere else?
I swear we sent pebbles for training last week but I still see her lurking under foot

Sent the guide dog in for formal training. Still hear her in the house.
She’s snoring in here and gone at the same time.

what does dreaming about taking pictures of foxes mean? and then being pestered by a mob of foxes inside your house...
I fear this will be an interesting day.

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