Congratulate me! I just deactivated my account at the bird. Had it since 2008.

Seriously, though, who does this remind you of? He tweeted this just after reinstating the Donald. I think it's pretty obvious what Elon's intentions are. They are doing to try to manipulate the election.

for new members.

Please be patient while J tends to the glitches. He is a one man show who works his magic tirelessly on very little or no sleep. I understand the glitches can be frustrating, but patience is a CoSo membership requirement at this time.

If you can't be patient, meet me by the bicycle rack...🤣🤪😁❤️

Since the guy running Twitter is talking about the voice of the people being the voice of God and all, seems like it might a good time to remind America of this:

Trump: 62,984,828
Clinton: 65,858,514

Trump's White House blocked government websites aimed at helping Americans vote, fighting human trafficking, easing homelessness, and stopping fraud, federal records show

Here's the full clip of the video Trump tweeted a portion of. It's basically a skit about if you want to avoid people, wear a MAGA hat. Because Trump is a fucking dipshit LMAO - >>

"You do know who's paying for the wall, don't you? Redemption from illegal aliens. The redemption money is paying for the wall" -- Trump is out here just making stuff up.

"Hey Google, what's redemption money?"

Google: It's bullshit...

"Thanks Google!"

Last week, the “president” vowed to not cut Social Security and Medicare.

Today, he proposes $800 billion in cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

He shows us time and time again who he is. A liar who hates poor people

Here is a graph showing the unemployment rate these past 10 years.

Notice the steady improvement over time, through Obama's years and right through today. No real change in the slope on or near Jan. 2017.

Trump did nothing to cause this, it was a gift from Obama.

GOP congressional candidate Matthew Lusk “said he was uncertain whether there really was a pedophile ring associated with the deep state.” “That being said,” he added, “I do believe there is a group in Brussels, Belgium, that do eat aborted babies.”

Let me repeat,... This guy is running FOR CONGRESS in Florida, District 5

"ICE Is Using Location Data From Games and Apps to Track and Arrest Immigrants."

ICE and CBP have reportedly spent more than $1.2 million to get access to the phone location data.


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