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Have you seen this year’s long lost word list from Wayne State’s Word Warriors?
blatherskite, a person who talks at great length without making much sense; curglaff, the shock felt when one first plunges into cold water; dollop, a shapeless mass or blob of something; kaffeeklatsch, an informal social gathering at which coffee is served; and pawky, having a mocking or cynical sense of humor.

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This may become my new daily mantra: “There is a single steadfast rule for being alive right now, and it is: Do not bet against the dumbest possible outcome.” - Charlie Werzel writing in The Atlantic

Hope everyone is having a good day. Joy joy! (Also, “the turtle moves”)

For anyone who has the munchies…. Fancy a fancy donut? 🍩

A few of my favorite snaps from last night’s Phish show at Sphere in Vegas. Hard to do the scale justice. It was a bit like being on the Star Trek holodeck for realz.

A few days ago I posted an old photo of me giving the middle finger to a certain gaudy gold Vegas tower. Now I’m in Vegas and I guess this view from my window is my penance. Karma is a bitch.

I really can’t wait for TFG to get out of court and see all the media coverage about him falling asleep and going slack jawed. It’s gonna be wild.

Happy FAFU day to TFG and all who celebrate.
(Taken in Vegas in 2019 when it was still legal to stop on bridges and take photos)

Official statement from New South Wales on the horse that tried to take the train: “The horse had planned its journey but got colt feet and decided to hoof it.” /nosanitize

I’m working on a Sunday but that’s only because I’m heading to Vegas on Thursday. Woo-hoo! Meanwhile, Hootsuite is not cooperating with me. I mean :60 does equal one minute right?

I severely overestimated the amount of time I could deal with in-person humans today. Happy to be home with the bees. Their buzz is much more soothing.

OMG. Someone needs to tell the makers of LOOT on Apple TV that if they are going to have a really long scene that involves a smoke alarm beeping because the battery is dead… THEY MUST INCLUDE A WARNING FOR DOG OWNERS!

Albuquerque’s inaugural poet laureate (2012-2014) Hakim Bellamy teamed up with Meow Wolf to give this gift to Earth for Earth Day. ❤️🌎

There is joy in this but there is also fear. I can only know that I'm alive right now, for this moment. There is no certainty about the next step that I take. You can seem perfectly healthy one day and then have everything snatched out from under you the next. Life may seem like a broad road but it's actually a cliff's edge. Knowing that, it's all the more important to make good choices; not just about your health, but about who you want to be.

I am thankful for this spectacular day to work outside. I’d say it’s perfect but I don’t want to jinx things.

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Wendy Forbes

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