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Starting a new hastags for the multitude of Trump Trials:

Trump J6 trial in DC

For Trumps Docs Trial in Miami

For Trumps Georgia Trial

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I'm gonna pin this post to hang on to it,......

MARK MY WORDS, Walt Nauta, the Trump Valet whose charged in Trumps Conspiracy will flip


Nauta faces six charges, including conspiracy to obstruct justice and concealing evidence, which holds a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and knowingly making false statements to law enforcement, which comes with a maximum five-year prison sentence.
He could easily get a lot more.

HE WILL ROLL, and when he does, Trump is Fucked

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for future reference, this will be my official SARCASM emoji


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To establish sources, I am going to begin trying to attach a Twit ID card to any news updates I get,...

Please remember that all my post should be considered on the ground reporting and unconfirmed until a major news agency confirms.

there is so much coming out of the war zone, fact checking at this speed is nearly impossible for one man, two laptops and three tvs to accomplish

So a Twit tag is an unconfirmed source
A News Agency tag can be considered confirmed

And then the Allies did the exact same thing in Britain prior to D Day but with inflatables, and the Nazis fell for it hook line and sinker.

On this day in 1986, the Van Halen LP “5150” debuted on the US Billboard 200 Albums Chart at #13 (April 12)
Van Halen’s 7th studio album was the first of four to be recorded with new lead singer Sammy Hagar, who famously replaced David Lee Roth, forever splintering their fan base into “who was better” factions
The album was named after Eddie Van Halen's home studio, 5150, in turn named after a California law enforcement term for a mentally disturbed person

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