Governor of Sverdlovsk told Prigozhin to get back in the kitchen and cook pasta (hinting on his past as #Putin’s personal chef).
Prigozhin responded with “Stalin used to shoot guys like you, I hope soon I’ll be able to do it too.”
Everything is going according to plan in fascist #Russia, as you can see
As a people they are characterized by obedience and servitude to their leaders which borders on fanaticism. The classical Russian author Saltykov-Schedrin detested this trait of the Russian people and described it one of his books with this immortal quote: “Oh, they like to rebel, our Russian mu-jeeks (simple men, peasants). Here they are, kneeling before their barin (owner, landlord), knowing full well that it’s rebellion, but they keep kneeling in rebellious stubbornness!”
@Vonzales just heard an interview with scholars from Central & Eastern Europe, they were saying that there is no real ideology in Russian society. It is based on the remnants of the Soviet influence system, which is more technical than ideological (my question, perhaps because repeated propaganda works through its already well-grooved channels?), plus the criminal mafia system. So, even with only a loud minority supporting the dictator Putin, the system still works as the rest stay silent. 😩