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Vixey boosted

"Religious freedom ends when it becomes an excuse to harm other people."

Pete Buttigieg

It’s only 32° here in Southern California. One February about five years ago … it snowed here

Good morning. I hope you have a great day.

I really like your profile picture. What are you gonna do today?

Hi there. Good morning & great to see you. :420:

Vixey boosted

I'm feelin' it.... I know this last couple weeks has been insane. Trust me I know. Thankyou guys for your patience and support as wrinkles are ironed out. We've dealt with a huge influx of new users, while fighting off a DoS attack at the same time.

We're just gonna keep on keeping on.

Wait... a GIF and an image in the same post?????

Vixey boosted

@Vixey got ya back! I’m trying to learn to navigate this site

Vixey boosted

A photo of a display at Open Doors Books featuring autographed copies of my most recent works: "The Willow Path: Witchcraft, Hermetics & the Hidden Wisdom of the Magical Arts" and "Horns of the Moon: Techniques in Traditional Magical Arts". The third book in my trilogy on Traditional Witchcraft is now at the publishers and should be available in early 2023.

It’s raining here in Southern California quite a bit too :420: good morning

I believe Jack Dorsey will capture that blue bird of Twitter in his bluesky endeavor.

Vixey boosted
Vixey boosted

On the I Street bridge looking South toward the Delta King and the Tower Bridge and North toward whatever the heck that outlook is...

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