A climate change storm is coming. Here’s how to prepare
@peeppeepcircus Been saying this for a while...start researching areas that will have infrastructure, weather that will get you to survive oncoming climate change. Buy property now!. Make your home self-sufficient, insulate, insulate, insulate and add solar, heat pumps, and see if you can provide long term water storage, rain water harvesting...
@Victor been trying to figure out where it will be possible to grow food and raise farm animals among other things. it's been challenging to chase down the info and drill down the details but the maps mentioned in this article are finally helpful.
@peeppeepcircus I enjoy my meals with beef, chicken, or fish but starting to shift towards lowering my consumption of these protein sources and more towards a vegetarian diet. Hard pill to swallow but have to be realistic in knowing that it will be more difficult/expensive to get them in the future. Keeping chickens is hard and almost a full time hobby .
@peeppeepcircus Unless they come up with new breeds, there may be a need for indoor farms but it requires expensive cooling systems.
@Victor have you read On The Move by Abrahm Lustgarten by chance?