A climate change storm is coming. Here’s how to prepare
@peeppeepcircus Been saying this for a while...start researching areas that will have infrastructure, weather that will get you to survive oncoming climate change. Buy property now!. Make your home self-sufficient, insulate, insulate, insulate and add solar, heat pumps, and see if you can provide long term water storage, rain water harvesting...
@peeppeepcircus I enjoy my meals with beef, chicken, or fish but starting to shift towards lowering my consumption of these protein sources and more towards a vegetarian diet. Hard pill to swallow but have to be realistic in knowing that it will be more difficult/expensive to get them in the future. Keeping chickens is hard and almost a full time hobby .
@peeppeepcircus Unless they come up with new breeds, there may be a need for indoor farms but it requires expensive cooling systems.
@Victor have you read On The Move by Abrahm Lustgarten by chance?
@Victor so you won't tell me where they can survive outside in the future 😂