Fml. I’m balling my eyes out 😭 I ordered pizza and they screwed up my order, but gave me the wrong pizza to take as well. I drove to a local area filled with homeless people and gave the pizza to a young girl who looked not much older than my son. Broke my heart . 😭💔
@Valkyrie_D 💔 🤗
@Valkyrie_D if its anything , you helped her and her family.
@Valkyrie_D 💔 😭 On behalf of the mom of a mentally ill daughter stuck in that cycle, thank you❤️ !! I hate just driving around town some days because I see so many that were in my girls classes from grade school on up 💔 😭
@Tattoomonkey29 I wish I could give you a big hug right now 😭 💔 🫂 ❤️
@Valkyrie_D Thanks so much, it is excruciating and worse when she calls and agony when she appears at the door💔 ❤️
@Valkyrie_D 💛