Pinned post

I'll just leave this here

Short Film: Five Minutes Mr. Welles (2005) with 'Onofrio playing Orson Welles for a 2nd time & 1st film he ever directed.

Trivia: Vincent didn't have much time to prepare to play Orson for Tim Burton's 'Ed Wood' (1994) so his voice was dubbed by Maurice LaMarche of 'Pinky & The Brain' /'Animaniacs'.

This time it's 'The Third Man' era Orson & this short film is a possible explanation of the film's legendary 'cuckoo clock' monologue.

I think Twitter / X is broken for me at the moment

It takes most people a fair amount of time to realize that they don't need to be abrasive here.

Remember: being brash *out there* is rewarded with likes and RT's. You're groomed to be a dick because that's how you get noticed.

None of that flies here. There's many reasons for that, but the biggest is that no one ever goes viral here.

@LiberalLibrarian @CherNohio

I can't remember who posted this but during last year's Twitter Migration I saw someone comment along the lines of:

"People who have been here a month helping people who have been here a week helping people who have been here a day."

I think that's still true and very much The Spirit of CoSo. ❤️

CoSo Challenge: Post your top ~5-6 hashtags to make it easier for the new ppl to find follows using the search box.

Just so we’re all CRYSTAL clear …

The is Elon deciding that **you** get to see the first 600 things that *HIS* propaganda algorithm decided to beam into your eyes and track that.

Twitter already knows if you’re left/right, gay/straight, pro-life/pro-choice, Coke/Pepsi

He’s gonna know IF the propaganda changed your heart/mind.

Elon is enhancing a propaganda machine and will commoditize the demonstrable impact as a “feature” to the highest bidder.


New folks? The greetings you receive are from people who have been here and themselves received a personal welcome.

Every generation of arrivals picks up the greeting and continues the practice.

If you’ve been here for one day or just an hour—watch the firehose for newbies and welcome them.

It’s an awesome way to make connections.

Some of us still remember the first folks we met—years later.


This social network actually delivers the posts to everyone, impressive, my engagement here on my first day is better than on Twitter and I've been using it for two years.

On CounterSocial, you can PIN up to five of your own posts at the top of your profile.

Pinned posts are always displayed in chronological order.


Welcome new folks!

You’ve been topsy-turvy for ages on other platforms—so the even keel of CoSo might take some getting used to.

Kinda like walking on land after being at sea—

Enjoy the safe and sturdy ground of CoSo and ask for help if you need a hand

We’ve all been new here 🙂

What's the difference between a Pro account and a free account? We're glad you asked.

In addition to the below, you also get the peace of mind that comes with helping a user-focused community of awesome people.

Can't go Pro? No worries. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes.

"If you aren't paying, then you're the product."

Our Pro subscribers help to keep the servers running, which is how you know that you aren't a product to be sold here.

All users—Pro and not—have the ability to DELETE & REDRAFT their posts. Click on post options to use this feature.

It's way better than an edit button.

New here? Take a minute and update your profile picture.

We're very fond of the cracked egg, but it's also very suspicious. Find a suitable image that's under 2MB, then hop into your settings and make it you.

Huzzah! Here's the best explanation I have yet seen posted of Twitter's rate limits fracas:
Chief Twit either didn't pay his bill at all or paid it really late (but it sounds like a moonlight data migration flit to me).

Later this week, when the power goes out at the offices of The Bluebird of Social Media Death's offices, Felon Musk-a-gotlost will claim that it's a new cost savings initiative (because nothing saves money like not paying your bills).

Employees will be issued bike generators, and be required to bike at least 30 minutes of every hour to provide power for thier offices.

Twitter observations on this brand new day:

1) Rate Limit Exceeded
2) Can’t post
3) Can’t follow
4) Can’t search
5) Can like posts (for now)

1) No Rate Limit
2) Can’t post
3) Can’t follow
4) Can search
5) Can’t like posts (msg-looks like request might be automated)

Anything Elon puts out about what is going on at Twitter is almost certainly one thing that is NOT true

@th3j35t3r I loved tweetdeck back in the day. To a degree the desktop version of this reminds me a little bit of it.
So is Twitter now myspace 2.0 🤣

As of this morning, Tweetdeck and Twitter Lists are now borked too.


^^^ We also have a free API (that's right it doesn't cost $40K+ per month) in order to support a 3rd party developer ecosystem.

^^^ He's gonna try to retroactively prosecute people who accessed 'his??' data that was publicly available.

SIDENOTE: Here, user data belongs to the user and they can CHOOSE whether or not to make their content available to non-users of the platform or not.

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VDOVault S. Olson BS JD

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.