Did anyone else have a horrible family member around for the holidays?

Having a chronic pain disease is so depressing, in large part due to people's idea that if you can't see the problem, it must not exist. It is lonely and you are made to feel like you are just a nuisance for no reason. People also insist on belittling pain when it isn't obviously, physically debilitating; If there isn't a missing limb, it must not be so bad.

So... I graduated college today. Wth kind of crazy is that? ^-^

Waiting on your instructor to post your final grade is by far one of the most awful feelings, ever.

A rapist and child sex trafficker in the white house, and a pedophile being voted into the Senate. How could anyone be proud to be an American right now? Why would anyone show patriotism?

Those "parents" voting for Moore deserve to have their children taken away.

@Unbidden I have that problem all the time...

except it's not accidental...

or Amazon's fault...

or just one book.

I guess what I'm saying is I buy too many books. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†

That moment when someone makes a joke about abuse, they get called out, and they continue to make excuses/turn it around on you. These people are part of the problem.

@Rezn8Zero Thanks! I take pride in speaking out against this stuff. Bye!

Things that are not jokes, or something to joke about:
Surviving Trauma

Those annoying moments when people ask you what you need so they can get you something useful for the holidays, you tell them not to worry about getting you anything but at endless insistence you tell them something cheap you need, and they get you something utterly useless and expensive and that you are allergic to. Which they know cuz they are a "parent."

Holidays are stressful but that's okay

If anyone ever has any question on what to gift me, Amazon and Bath and Body Works coupons are the best answer. I say that every year but it never happens. Lol

"What happened to the world? We can't even let our kids out to play in the neighborhood" -Republicans

"Vote Moore! Support Trump!"

If you support @MooreSenate and @realDonaldTrump then you support pedophiles and rapists. You are no better. You are why children aren't safe.

Amazon needs to get better 1-click settings. I've set it to not have the option on any device and yet, I just accidentally bought a book.

I'm having so much fun decorating my very first house.

I feel like a lot of people have poofed from here after the first week

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