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News is like food.
A lot of people opt for fast food. It's salty, greasy, and addictive but lacks things your body needs. You suffer even as you crave more like it.
You don't have to cook at home - there are a lot of good restaurants that make a healthy meal. But you have to clean up your plate to get the benefits, not just grab the stuff on top and run to another restaurant.
So be picky about your news sources and be sure to read the whole story, not just the clickbait.

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Never pass up a chance to laugh, even at yourself. It's like going to the gym but for the soul.

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"Survival of the Fittest" puts one person on top.

"Survival of the Most Compassionate" puts them all there.

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Bless the heroes who think their actions ordinary. Ignorant of their strength, they lift us to stand beside them.

Earth Day is Mother's Day for the planet. Send your mother some love.

Cats are an excellent example of how Stockholm Syndrome works in humans.

This is blue eyed grass, a native. It grows in my back yard like a weed. I think I will transfer some to a flower bed and see how it does there.

My musical tastes are underappreciated by my family.
I think Vivaldi follows CCR rather nicely.

Whoever needs to hear this...
You're doing better than they are.

Before there was Google there was the grocery store check out lane. You could ask a random question out loud and get an answer from someone nearby. The accuracy was not as good but the answers more colorful.

It's like a massage chair but it takes cat food, not electricity.

It is with regret I must inform you today is over.

Please place your chairs in an upright position and proceed to the nearest available day. Your baggage should be with you at all times. Do not leave it here - unattended baggage left behind will be ridiculed by a future you.

On behalf of our staff we hope you had a pleasant trip and look forward to you being a frequent passenger of future todays.

The five-yr-old grandson was getting hyper and eating a snack so I pulled up a set of Pink Panther cartoons on my phone and propped it where he could see it too. Conversation stopped. He was mesmerized.
I love these old cartoons. No words, just a visual story with low-key violence. basically just someone's frustrations being expressed, not a catch-and-kill mindset.
Pink Panther. If you're young and have not see any, check them out.

When the gorilla beats its chest it is not challenging another. It is signaling that it is ready and willing to accept a challenge. It's letting the other gorillas know how tough it is, hoping to cow the others.

I think that's all today's news is. At least I hope that is all.

The five-yr-old grandson is loudly cheering at the end of the basketball game on TV. He isn't sure who won but he's definitely enthusiastic.

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