"God" is the problem, not the solution. #TaxTheChurches https://www.rawstory.com/jack-hibbs/
@LSWellesley This is the primary "power of god". Always has been. The ability to allow madmen to gain wealth and power, and then use it to hurt people "in god's name".
@TwiHusband the state AG office is investigating their actions, but this is scary shit.
@Gambit_1 The IRS needs to "Coyote" them....as in, drop an anvil.
@TwiHusband I honestly can’t believe we haven’t done this yet. Going after churches that turn into political institutions is not weaponizing the IRS, it’s following the law!
@Gambit_1 I can. The Conservatives are 100% Jesus-freak. The Liberals still have this "live and let live" thing going with religion....when "religion" is a sheaf of philosophies that generally tries to kill and enslave humanity at every opportunity. "Live and let live" with something that wants you and yours erased from existence is contra-survival.
* pretend Jesus-freaks: They cherry pick scriptures but follow none of the love-thy neighbor philosophy.
This is sickening. Disgusting.