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“You must be under the mistaken impression that I care,” is how once answered Biden when he tried to pass a blocked bill. This from the @BarackObama memoir “A Promised Land”. McConnell is not a public servant. This is treachery. Power & personal wealth above all else.

Has anyone ever lost a text conversation that lasted years? I lost everything baby pictures, videos, etc. I must have accidentally deleted.
A T & T & Apple couldn’t help. I said “I bet if I was a criminal.. committed some horrible crime the police could retrieve them!” Family member overheard & laughed “You’re lucky the FBI doesn’t come here & haul your ass away!” 😂

Sunny and I wish to apologize for our roles in breaking Counter Social in the stampede over here from the bird! We like it here.

“You must be under the mistaken impression that I care,” is how once answered Biden when he tried to pass a blocked bill. This from the @BarackObama memoir “A Promised Land”. McConnell is not a public servant. This is treachery. Power & personal wealth above all else.

Hi everyone! I am a resister from Twitter. Fleeing Elon Musk. Happy to follow all like minded friends.


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