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Introduction: Hi everyone, my name is Alastair, i’m a leftist punk drummer, I own a corgi named Waffles and i’m trying my best! give me a follow? 🥺👉👈

You and I will be like a couple of cosonauts 🥰

I have goals in life, like anyone else does, but honestly, more than anything else… I just want to smoke a joint with Seth Rogen

who was in charge of spelling the word Upholstery and why’d they fuck it up so bad?

Waffles appreciation post
Waffles appreciation post
Waffles appreciation post
Waffles appreciation post
Waffles appreciation post

*Spoilers for every Harry Potter book and movie*
Voldemort: “I’m going to kill that Harry Potter!”
Harry Potter: “Oh, you can’t kill me because i’m Harry Potter!”

i’m a white, cis male and i believe i get a say in governing women’s bodies.

LMAO jk holy fuck could you imagine

you ever blow your nose so hard stuff comes out the corner of your eye? yeah, me neither.

I don’t know who Jack Harlow is or why i’m supposed to care and at this point i’m too afraid to ask

Happy Monday CoSo, what’s on your mind this morning

I can’t believe this platform has an anti tr*mp emoji lmaooooo :Asshat: :Asshat: :Asshat: :Asshat: :Asshat: :Asshat:

All your internal organs are functioning in complete darkness.

Where my fellow music nerds at? Looking for recommendations for 70’s era soul music like O’Jays and Isaac Hayes. Hit me!

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Milton Berle’s genitals

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