I was watching a video about rabies, about how it causes unreasoning rage in its victims and it hit me: is it possible the whole MAGA phenomenon is caused by an undiscovered pathogen? Virus, bacteria, fungus? I wonder if anybody has looked into that.
@ToolPackinMama hate, bigotry, prejudice is the pathogen. it's been around far longer than covid.
@singlemaltgirl @ToolPackinMama and those things do destroy your ability to think & reason. they are brain consuming.
@ToolPackinMama There's a sizable cohort that grew up with cars spewing lead into the the air. The same cohort has reached an age where the usual cognitive decline has been going on for at least ten years. So much for the voters.
For GOP candidates, if you plot a line from Nixon through Reagan to Trump, the trend is unquestionable.
@ToolPackinMama Wouldn't it be lovely if stupid was just a virus you could cure?
@ToolPackinMama COVID is well known to cause brain damage. I wonder how many of the anti mask crowd has Covid related damage. https://www.auntminnie.com/clinical-news/mri/article/15705345/7tesla-mri-uncovers-longterm-effects-of-severe-covid19