My Dargo is an American Bulldog, adopted from a shelter. If we were in the UK, he would probably fall under this ban.
He's been through obedience training. I never leave him alone in a car. I never let him off the leash outside of our fence. I don't leave him alone with kids or strangers. He's a super friendly dog, but dog owners cannot afford the luxury of the Oh My Dog Would Never mindset.
@TrueBloodNet @TomeReader
I agree, I don’t believe every PB is dangerous. But it seems that 9 out of 10 incidents of violent behavior is by a PB. And many of them are against people that live with them, and have for years. It’s very sad.
@Smccune55 @TomeReader Yes, the problem is, we've bred a dog that's instinct and physical abilities allow it to hold on tightly no matter what once an attack has begun. That's on us. But it's also on us to remove those genes from the pool.
Policing a gene pool is iffy on the best of days. But when you ban a breed, the breeders just go underground. That's why many breed bans are eventually overturned, they don't solve any problems.
Now mandatory spaying and neutering, that is a proven solution for reducing dog aggression across the board. The resources used to enforce a useless breed ban would be better spent to subsidizing spay and neuter programs.
@TomeReader Sorry, they just need to expend more energy to control banned breeds. Generally, neutering (not spaying - that prevents cancers so is a push) reduces dogs lifespans. No need to cut all the not as dangerous dogs lifespans just cuz folks don't want to give up their asshole breeds.
@TomeReader And well he should then. I appreciate your carefulness but I have had to deal w PBs who went after people they'd known all their lives. One a minor. I'm not for randomly putting them all down. But they should be manditorily S/N and not allowed to breed. WE made them the danger they are. WE must be responsible to take those genes out of the pool.