Things I’m doing today: downloading my twitter data archive and binge watching Mad Men. I’ve never seen it before. Weird, right? But I really like Elisabeth Moss. And I like her IN SPITE OF the Scientology which is even weirder because I don’t like antigen that much

Here’s my first ever viral TikTok, mocking Kevin McCarthy’s eventual run for Speaker. It’s wild because I vaguely remember this success when I was building RC’s TikTok account, but he’s got a fan base so I wasn’t exactly starting from zero. Anyway, there’s this flashover point where a post becomes self-sustaining and I’m not good at filtering notifications so my whole thing is in shambles lmao. Anyway, here it is…

My Kevin McCarthy TikTok was such a success I made one for Ted Cruz because fuck this smarmy bastard

@Nerdpyle clifford sends his regards. If his regards are similar to yesterday’s regards it’s because he wasn’t cooperating with the camera today

Wish I could welcome you individually, but I’m not that fast. Welcome!
A few tips:

1) Helpful info at @CoSoTips or
2) Check out the # list at (@)realDDGlover ‘s TL
3) Watch the firehose & follow those with like interests. Scroll down to pause the autofeed
4) Joining a new platform can be tough. GIVE IT TIME
5) Missing a fav feature? Play a while w/o it. Some things we’re used to are designed to manipulate us. Still missing it? Might be on the to do list. Ask!
6) Questions? Use (#)help

Classic blue check fallacy. They don’t think they’re better than you because they have a blue check.

YOU think they’re better than you because they have a blue check.

Idea: everyone who still has a twitter account, add a 🦍 to your display name as a show of force that is a force to be reckoned with and a force for good! Also as a convo starter to bring more friends into the fold. I don’t think ppl realize how many of us have come here! cc @th3j35t3r

In which Elon Musk promises a Nazi activist he’ll stop appeasing activists. This is who apartheid bro is taking orders from. Disgusting

Also, hmu if you followed me & I didn’t follow back. I wanna be besties!

I’m learning the art of hand lettering and I made this! It’s not done yet—I want to make it more illustrative, but I haven’t decided which way to go with it yet, whether I want to incorporate it into a background or maybe just go balls out with flourishes. Suggestions welcome!

Every night right before bedtime, my dog goes into dead weight mode, like he’s laying on my foot at some awkward angle and when I want to move it, it’s like he’s taken those ACLU classes on civil disobedience because if I want him moved I will certainly have to move him myself

I just saw the video of those Utah kids dressed in blackface and I nearly threw up. No hyperbole—I literally became nauseated watching that video. It was the way they smiled, like they were proud of themselves. They knew enough to know it was wrong. And they know they’ll never face consequences. Do they even connect the dots from the violence of slavery to the violence of convict leasing to the racism baked into the violence of modern policing & prison systems?

In an age of unchecked toxicity, the most radical thing you can do is create a social network where people are nice to each other.

Welcome, new friends! I think if you use the hashtag , CoSo veterans will find you and help show you the ropes! I’ve been here for 5 years but I’m not so good under the hood. I’m more of a welcome committee gal than customer support

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Tiffany 🇺🇦

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.