@BlueRevolution I can do about a weekly shampoo. I just produce too much oil to go any further. Cutting down on how much I shampooed and switching to a leave in conditioner did WONDERS for my hair.
@insomniacviolin 5-7 days is minimum! But for sure if you're dealing with a fungal related dandruff, you gotta make sure it's gone. Sometimes that means an extra rinse and repeat, sometimes it means a more frequent wash schedule.
Those fungal issues thrive on your natural oils, so it's best to make sure it's gone, first, then adjust your wash schedule and product to help with the hair, again :)
@insomniacviolin That looks to be a great starting resource! However, that person does not claim any scientific credentials, just researching credentials, so if it works, great! And if it doesn't, you may still need to partner with a professional if you can, in this case, a dermatologist.
I am a fan of research! Sometimes that takes trying to find a dermatologist that understands your specific situation, and not just a generalist. Sometimes that takes finding a solid resource to start with. :)