Everyone is celebrating Cawthorn’s loss. I find it scary it was that close. Proof, the GOP has zero standards.


Elon Musk’s whines remind me Trump. If you agree; let’s be friends.

Here for less than a week. Already a kinder more responsive place.

Thanks; folks.

Is there a gay CoSo? If so, how do I become a member?

*i don’t really understand how this place works.

If you follow ATP/WTA; let’s be friends. 🎾

Really torn on the Russian/Belarus ban at Wimbledon. Anyone have takes?

CoSo, love you! Such nice people everywhere.

This is amazing. Invite your friends.

The Ben episode in Ozark (final episodes) murdered my soul.

I almost clicked on BirdApp. Clicked here instead. Relearning my thoughtless habits. Hey, CoSo!

Not knowing what’s going on in Twitterland is freeing.

Hey, on your phone, how do you rotate a photo? Help.

Boji, has taken residence in my new sink.

I hope Muskrat fails at every media turn he makes. The richest shouldn’t control industry and media. If you agree; let’s be friends.

I’m up late watching the last episodes of Ozark and glad we have CoSo back!!!

Elon Musk is just like Trump on Bird App. Every tweet is nasty and you can’t get away from it because it gets hyper-amplified.

We need this space!

So glad CoSo is back. Thanks for all the hard work!

:Asshat: The fact this emoji is available and labeled “asshat” makes me really happy to be here. 😂

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