Tamara boosted

Any current or former MOS 13F people here? My kid heads to Fort Sill Oct 16. He's thrilled, I'm, trying to wrap my rational head around it.

Tamara boosted

"I used to work at the Death Star, but I tried to aim it a little to the left." LOL!

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I don't mean to be unkind, but I have family members who consciously decided to stay ignorant. And they're anti-science. I'm at the other end of the scale and find myself being appalled on a regular basis. Ok. Done. Thank you for giving me the space to say this out loud.

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Tamara boosted
Tamara boosted

I had some musings to share about this rough week, but they got lost when Tootdon refreshed. Here's the gist of it:

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. -Buddha ❤️

That minute you realize a couple of your relatives are going to Hawaii to join a culty looking dominionist mission...

Spring has arrived at our house. Kid notices cat unusually focused on fireplace. Kid opens fireplace door, feathered, feline, canine and broomstick-wielding human mayhem ensues until bird is successfully shooed out the back door.

The funniest stuff happens when I'm not home.

@phase We will be driving around with the music blasting, he has that playlist picked out!

You guys, I need black humor for a friend of mine who is going through chemo and radiation. I'm still in shock (just found out) so my brain isn't working that way. He's very specific about no mushy stuff, funny support is needed.

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Tamara boosted

“What grace has given me, let it be passed to him (her).”

So the CIA is indirectly responsible for Jeff Koons? Oh brother, I'd like a word with them...🤣 🤣

Balloon Venus


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