@evistre Wellbutrin didn't do well for me, gave me bad GI issues. Didn't experience insomnia I don't think because I take Ambien for that anyway.
@Tail legit. GI fine so far but I've heard that too. 💞
I've got melatonin or hydroxyzine I can try tonight, I just haven't tried them with the Wellbutrin yet because searching for drug interactions at 2am spikes my anxiety lol
@evistre lol I bet. The GI stuff for me was really unbearable, how long have you been taking it?
@Tail a week as of today! I've been chugging water and increased fiber to hopefully stave off GI shenanigans
@evistre That's probably it, I've always had a relatively poor diet. I can't afford to eat healthy though sadly. :/
My new meds work just fine but I'm not sure which one replaced Wellbutrin.
@Tail and yes, so weird.
Brains, man
@Tail yes indeed! I've been on Prozac for a few years on and off, many different doses, works pretty well to even out my anxiety. I'm still on that