Today everything is getting to me. The pain, the struggle, everything. I'm not sure how much more I can take.

Apologies for earlier. The pain is making me a little crazy. I took the last painkiller the hospital gave me a little while ago and I'm not looking forward to the week ahead. I can barely stand.


Noah hasn't left my side since I got home from the hospital. He's my best bud.

@Tacitus_Kilgore Hugs for you both. I so hope your pain will lessen soon, back pain is the worst. When my back goes out, it takes a solid 2 weeks on my back, knees elevated, heating pad applied and Excedrine every 4-6 hrs.
Do you have anyone living with you to help?
Puttycats are wonderful soul and physical healers 🥰😻🥰

♥️ I’m so sorry you’re going through this, @Tacitus_Kilgore

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