@Tacia boosted

What size do you need?
Most bottles in the bar are 750ml.

@Tacia boosted

Wow, J.
FINALLY seeing this on desktop.
WOW! Nice!

Miss this guy so much every day.

Sad morning.

Cream, Blind Faith.
One hell of an amazing drummer.

Ginger Baker has found his way home.


Just "some legends" playing "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"...


Buckle up.
It's going to be one hell of another news ride today. 😳

Good morning, CoSo. ☕

Enjoy the neverending circus America has become. 🤯

@Tacia boosted

True best friends are so hard to come by. Unless they're the 4-legged version.
There's just never enough time.

@Tacia boosted

COSO Sinatra Sunday theme, Frank style

In The Wee Small Hours of the Morning


Never enough time with the best friends in life always right by your side.

@Tacia boosted

There are ashes in the air Ashes. It’s not fog. Ashes. Peoples hopes and dreams burned, floating into out lungs. And we choke on them. Death drifts, through the sky, through the streets, through our souls. It seeps into our ground and contaminates the water. Paradise is burning. And it can’t be stopped. Please just make it stop. We can’t carry the dead on our backs. Our short lives have to be more than struggling to survive. Where is the oasis The break in the storm Why can’t we reach the summit

@Tacia boosted

So I left a shit job for a better one mid-June.

They fired me yesterday over the phone - I had been having trouble whenever I was on the site on my own because things kept coming up that I wasn’t yet trained to deal with, and then I made one of those “everyone’s done it at least once” mistakes.

I am now up shit crick without a paddle and in a rapidly sinking boat.

If anyone knows somewhere near Peoria, IL hiring, lmk please.

$15/hr preferred, but anything helps.

A day spent doing absolutely nothing just curling up with the best friend a girl can ask for is the best day possible.

Weekend off.
Phone should begin ringing soon when they recognize huge mistake in scheduling...
To turn off or not to turn off?
Is that even a question? 😂

Good morning, CoSo.☕☕
Enjoy your weekend!

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