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Did somebody say "Family Man"??

Best Christmas movie ever!!!

It's not about being the smartest guy in the room. It's about knowing who is and having them on board. Build your team.

I stand with Israel. No compromise.

First viewing of 'The Family Man' is happening right now. My favorite Christmas movie.

Tomorrow the Montana State Bobcats take on the Montana Grizzlies for the 122nd time. It's one of the longest college football rivalries in the country.
G O B O B C A T S ! ! !

Horrible visuals are coming out of Israel. Very disturbing to see. Palestinian terrorists need to be dealt with swiftly.
I stand with Israel.

@th3j35t3r Its 'Family Man' night here. Merry Christmas sir.

Six years ago today my friend Chuck Keating, IV was killed. I was in a meeting in Pasco, WA. I received a text message from one of his Teammates saying, 'Chuck KIA'. That was a horrible day.

Netflix series: 'F1 Drive to Survive' is excellent. The behind the scenes view is extremely interesting. I can see myself really getting into F1 now.

Sorry for the delay on follow requests. Didn't know I was so popular. LOL

I remember the early days here. Congrats to @th3j35t3r on staying focused on the goal. Well done sir.

You don't know stress until you attempted to teach your child how to drive.

I'm on #3. Life is hell.

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