SybilRice boosted
SybilRice boosted

The only person brave enough to run towards the gunfire into the school while 100 cops stood in fear for 77 minutes, WAS AN UNARMED WOMAN WITH TWO CHILDREN INSIDE. She saved her children & helps others. The Cops handcuffed her & trued to arrest her. “BUT STILL SHE, THE UNARMED MOTHER RAN TOWARDS THE GUNFIRE INTO THE SCHOOL.

SybilRice boosted

‘This is absurd. After *1* child died using a Peloton treadmill last year, the @USCPSC intervened & recalled the product. But when hundreds of children die using guns*, there is no federal response!’


*and die of COVID too.

SybilRice boosted

Autism myth #3 - Autistic people lack self-awareness.

AKA, "Autistic children are too incompetent to know their own gender". (F*ck you, JKR)

I can keep this one short.

It's bullshit.

If anything, autistic people tend to be far MORE self-aware than neurotypicals. Seriously, we spend ridiculous amounts of time analyzing our own thought processes. We may not be able to identify what we're feeling in the moment (alexythemia), so we spend a LOT of time afterward figuring it out.

SybilRice boosted

I await the gnashing of teeth over on the bird. They almost always give their alt and sock accounts up after incidents like this. Hilarious.

This is my daughter, Gwendolynn Dawn Hyland. She is twenty years old and has special needs.

SybilRice boosted

I'm p*ssed. Those babies in Uvalde only concern should have been their summer vacation, not whether or not they were going to make it out of school alive 🤬

SybilRice boosted

How about something refreshing to cleanse the feed?
A dirty pussy in the clean laundry basket.

SybilRice boosted

Fuck you Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz - they don’t care about life once it is born. So they can take their thoughts & prayers & shove it in the cavities where they would have had a heart and a brain. They are despicable.
Greg Abbott & Ted Cruz have blood on their hands

SybilRice boosted

203 House Republicans voted NO on the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act.

I NEVER want to hear the GOP complain about gas prices again.

SybilRice boosted
SybilRice boosted

The current formula shortage is traced in part to a contamination-induced shutdown at a key manufacturing plant.

I ate 1/4 of an edible and it has knocked me off my ass! :420: :420: 😵 😵

SybilRice boosted

hakeem jeffries has a message for clarence thomas:
'truth will be your kryptonite!'
i legit got chills watching this.

SybilRice boosted

I thought it's very basic and I shouldn't say that, but not everyone wants to have kids. There are people who responsible enough and honest with themselves, they understand that better to be helpful in society other than be terrible parents. Kids who haven't been loved or grew up in toxic environment more likely to become violent. But I think GOP members and some people still don't think deep about some aspects of the life

SybilRice boosted

Jackson: Are you stickingz your tongue out at me?

Kai: Maybe 😋

Jackson: 🙄

SybilRice boosted

Evangelical Pro-Birth folks I have talked to make the argument that "we shouldn't allow abortion when so many couples are waiting to adopt". Knowing these folks, the unsaid part is they want healthy, white newborn babies. They could adopt from the >500K kids in the US foster care system. But no. They see this as a pipeline of healthy white newborns, and the unwanted kids who will be born into poverty with no government support are NOT their problem. They want Handmaids to bear them babies.

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