Wait.....didn't Trump say he wouldn't take a salary? Yes, yes he did.

And don't the MAGAts constantly tell you he didn't take a salary? Yes, yes they do.

Real POS Crooks always find a way to sell their souls to get money. KARMA is coming fast Grifter Donnie Dickhead.

Ron Filipkowski -

Trump sycophant JD Vance announces he will hold up all DOJ appointees now: “I think we have to grind this Department to a halt.”


How many of these people will try to weaponize the government in their bullshit attempt to fight weaponizing the government?

CNN should learn that hosting a “Clown Hall” was gambling against the American spirit.

' I fulfilled a legal obligation to testify in front a federal grand jury and I answered every question honestly

America has become a sick and broken nation '

🤔 these two ideas cannot coexist. Telling the truth is never a bad thing.

Saying that telling the truth is sick is a sign of how twisted and sick a person you are.


Russian scumbags on the kanoes to escape from flooding in Oleshky.
According to Ukrainian intelligence, the Russian command did not warn all its units about the destruction of the dam. This left hundreds if not thousands of Russian Orcs to fend for themselves or die in the torrential flood waters

Raise your hand if you support the Democratic bill requiring 18-year term limits for US supreme court justices.

McCarthy's a MF clown, and the rest of the House are the little guys with brooms & scoopers picking-up this elephant's gigantic dung balls:


"Senator Sheldon Whitehouse:

This is his YouTube channel w/ the *18* videos about EXACTLY HOW the SCOTUS has become corrupted, and by WHOM!! His gives ALL of these speeches during sessions of the Senate Judiciary Committee. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF and to posterity to watch these!!!


This is a fascinating comparison of the projection of Republicans as well as the reality strangely rooted in that projection we see every day. Its the bedrock of their hypocrisy


“But if you would consider the true cause
Why all these fires, why all these gliding ghosts,
Why birds and beasts from quality and kind,
Why old men fool and children calculate,
Why all these things change from their ordinance
Their natures and preformed faculties
To monstrous quality,—why, you shall find
That heaven hath infused them with these spirits,
To make them instruments of fear and warning
Unto some monstrous state.”
Julius Caesar

"the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform"

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