Finally jumped on the PC version and @Gippy is so darn awesome giving me protips and advice!

Angry about VIII The Last Jedi, think Poe didn't have an arch while Finn was running around casinos and Rey was lifting rocks? You might have missed the best part of the movie.

I lie, the best part was the first scene with Luke, but Poe had an awesome story.

Northrop Grumman loses billion dollar satellite into the ocean. Be kinds of funny if it's because they forgot to account for the force of launch and something they built broke.

Adding on to this, there is really no way to hide a secret satellite. It's not a conspiracy to keep it hidden. There are multiple non government organizations tracking debris in space so you can't keep it off the grid.

This is most likely a payload built by the government that failed to activate.

Zuma satellite info
Space-Track has cataloged the Zuma payload as USA 280, international designation 2018-001A. Catalog number 43098.
No orbit details given. No reentry date given, but for a secret payload it might not be. Implication is Space-Track thinks it completed at least one orbit.

SpaceX reports nominal launch, media keeps adding spacex name to "failed launch" reports when the payload was designed and built by government.

I have immense respect for Oprah. She came out years ago about her own sexual abuse history and has inspired many more women to come forward ever since. The award tonight was a tribute to the decades of work she has put into helping those less fortunate. Her speech was powerful, raw, and as shown by the camera, affected more than one person in the room. Even I watched with tears in my eyes, knowing my own history of moments. But, no, I do not think this qualifies her to be a US President.

Trump parrots what he watches on Faux. This guy had the receipts!

It's depressing that the president is just an old man obsessed with morning news and he can't actually do his job instead of watching television.

Ugh, when stats trending you know the bots kick into high gear with something about Clinton. is just Hannity jerking off with his own tears trying to find comfort as his world burns around him.

Falcon heavy on launchpad. 5 million pounds of thrust, about 18 747 airplanes at full power... This beast is gorgeous!

Muwahahaha- Korean messaging services just died with everyone wishing happy New years.

5 minutes to midnight here in Korea, Happy early New Year everyone! Hopefully America and Britain find their spines this year, North Korea loses it's, and Iran finds its liberation.

Fun fact: need an IV bag for surgery? They're made in Puerto Rico. Because Drumpf hasn't been working hard to rebuild it, there is still a shortage and iv bags are being rationed.

Trump could react poorly is the royal family invites their friends the "Obama's" to the wedding?

Seriously? Do it. Let him cancel trade deals over a wedding invitation. Let the world and his base see just how petty he is.

Merry Christmas and happy New year. My present to is from North Korea. Enjoy.

(Family showed me this for the holiday and we bing watched till everyone was cringing.)

Merry Christmas CoSo from Korea. Santa already made his reality defying delivery of presents to the over 10 million houses in the Seoul area. Now he's exhausted and off to deliver to all the spread out good little boys and girls of the West. At least this year he can skip Mar-A-Lago.

The recent rocket from SpaceX has flown over the South pole. Most rockets launch near the equator (FL/TX) and go up in the direction the earth spins to aid in launch, going down on the earth is more fun... And fuel.

Guys, we send rockets into space all the time now! It's a beautiful thing to watch!
If you still use the bird I would definitely suggest following spaceX.

Videos of the first stage separation and landing are awesome too!

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